Global and Cultural Responsiveness

These days, it seems that most opinions spouted across social media happen in a vacuum, with little or no thought to the cultural or historical context that led to a particular action, idea or belief. Judgments are shouted from the rooftops, without taking the time to stop, think, and learn. Global and cultural responsiveness demands a different approach. In pursuing this goal, we are invited to pause our judgments and listen; to reflect and engage in thoughtful conversation. When we take the time to listen and learn, our empathy for others will increase, and equity and justice move from being impossible goals to an achievable reality.

The materials below offer an assortment of windows into the worlds and ideas of others. Read/view them with an open mind, and use them as springboards to asking good questions and expanding your own way of living and being in the world.

ConnectED skills related to GCR: Communicative fluency; Ethical reasoning; Global and cultural responsiveness; Information literacy; Problem solving (critical and creative)

